Elevate Initiative
Elevate Initiative
For any community to thrive, it must celebrate the accomplishments of those within it, and strive to push forward. This is the core of the Elevate Initiative, which supports the BIPOC community by way of educational awards, outreach at trade events, speaking on panels, and through sponsored trips to wine regions.
Wine Unify’s Elevate Awards provide access and opportunity to enthusiasts and trade professionals by way of the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) Level 2, 3, and 4 (Diploma). These awards are intended to elevate those who are beyond the beginner stage of their wine journey, whether they are established in a career, aspiring professionals, hopeful career-changers, or passionate wine drinkers.
As of January 2024, Wine Unify has provided over 80 Elevate Awards. Individuals gain world-renowned credentials, mentorship, world-class glassware, funding for wine, resources for learning, and perhaps most importantly — a community of likeminded individuals who love wine.
Elevate Initiative Awards include:
Funding for or access to WSET courses.
Recipients will be awarded either fully-paid tuition for Wine & Spirit Education Trust Level 2 Award in Wines, or up to $1000 toward WSET or Master of Wine tuitions.
Access and funding for wine.
Recipients will receive a gift certificate for wines for their WSET studies and pleasure, provided by Total Wine & More.
Tools to succeed.
Recipients will receive a Coravin system so they they can maximize tasting and learning. They will also receive a fully-paid-for subscription to Jancisrobinson.com for one year, as well as Stölzle Revolution glassware.
Mentorship and more.
Recipients will gain access to our mentors, providing the opportunity to connect from some of the top voices in the industry, as well as practical education tools and resources from Wine Unify.
How can I apply?
APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. Please check back again in 2025.
General Requirements to Apply:
Be over the age of 21.
Work experience either directly or indirectly in the wine industry and currently residing in the U.S.
Demonstration of basic or advanced wine knowledge by way of certification or work experience
A Statement of Purpose
Submission of desired level of education and certification intent within the year (WSET)
A reference from at least one established industry professionals
Please note that applications for awards will be evaluated anonymously first.
*Applicants may not work for or be related to any Board Member or officer of Wine Unify.